Friday, March 18, 2011


Another 'Lunch & Learn', another Rosy Tomorrows' snack attack.
Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day;
Yesterday was also our partner, Andy Rego's birthday.

This 'Lunch & Learn' on natural stone was presented by Tribeca Stoneworks, Inc. Stone selection is usually based on:
  1. Aesthetics
  2. Strength and durability
  3. Exterior application (horizontal & vertical) and
  4. Interior application (horizontal & vertical)
Our presenter, Caesar Sanzaro stressed the need to "be technical in your use of stone". This means in both the selection of the stone and the installation. He strongly recommends, especially in large projects, having the stone tested (not by the provider). Stone varies, even coming out of the same quarry. The minerals that become part of the stone affects its characteristics and how and when it should be used. Respect that.

Water, always a concern when building, should not be ignored when installing stone.
  • In bathrooms, some considerations are: limiting joints, using a double layer of waterproof membrane and solid pans in showers.
  • In exterior installation consider a pedestal system
  • In using stone dust, only use a maximum of 2". Anything more won't allow water to go through
